this page generated 21.12.24 14:00 CST
(@875 .beats)

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24.12.21 16:45 
  US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
24.12.21 16:26 
@vespadaddy I expect to see them momentarily. Sounds like they may have lost a couple
24.12.21 15:00 Markets closed - Christmas Day (observed)
24.12.21 14:55 Wow! THIRTY tweets!!
24.12.21 14:01 
Listened to Spotify playlist "Discover Weekly"
24.12.21 02:10 @tapemachines HE HAD A BROTHER?!

(I confess I was still pretty firmly WWF even in 1995 and even though I didn't miss a Nitro or a stolen PPV)
24.12.21 02:08 @Mentoch @tapemachines Well, I can't argue with Wikipedia
24.12.21 02:06 @Mentoch @tapemachines Please, get it right, it's Maxxxxxxxxxxxxx
24.12.21 02:05 @tapemachines C'mon that's pretty cool
24.12.21 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 23.0º - 38.8º
23.12.21 19:35   Target was outta kale?!?! - Cub Foods (Saint Paul, MN)
23.12.21 19:17  Last minute Xmas Eve shopping! - Target (Saint Paul, MN)
23.12.21 17:02 
    LP from Discogs, Supertramp grail 7" from Spain, stylus brush and BONUS Ziploc of abandoned CDs!! Merry Festivus! - US Post Office (Minneapolis, MN)
23.12.21 16:49 @Patrick_Fenelon To be fair, Taurean Prince beat him to NFT avatar...ish...ness
23.12.21 16:34 Well, this is a terrible choice on Facebook's part but Happy Birthday, Nicole!
23.12.21 15:51 RT @StabilityBoiler: Why have low-flying State Patrol helicopters logged hundreds of hours of flight time over my city since Potter killed him?
23.12.21 15:33 @chigh This appears to be a Top 22, got any more?
23.12.21 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 25.87 ▲0.27 (Range: 25.51 - 25.94)
23.12.21 05:06 
Listened to King Crimson - The Court of the Crimson King - Including "The Return of the Fire Witch" and "The Dance of the Puppets"
23.12.21 05:03 
pew pew pew

Dumb but fun (but also dumb) (very dumb)

23.12.21 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 6.4º - 25.3º
22.12.21 20:31 
Holiday binge plans sorted thanks to an early Xmas box from Mom & Dad!
22.12.21 20:22 @tapemachines I mean, I'm available I suppose. Wait, you're probably available? ROAD TRIP
22.12.21 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 25.60 ▲0.01 (Range: 25.53 - 25.82)
22.12.21 12:10 
"Be sure to add...... a slice of lemon"

(Shared from Christopher)
"Pour Dr Pepper into saucepan. Heat to simmering temperature (180 degress or just below boiling). Your beverage will appear to be boiling due to the carbonation. Place a thin slice of lemon in bottom of cup and pour steaming hot Dr Pepper over lemon slice. A fresh slice of lemon is required to give the proper taste."
22.12.21 10:25 RT @whataweekhuh:
22.12.21 03:57 
Yes, I SHOULD be asleep right now, but at least I finally got to watch the ban'd and unaired (and uncensored!) Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode about Boston. (IYKYK)

(Shared from Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Boston Leaked Unfinished LOST EPISODE : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive)
Source: 4sharedThis is supposed to be the lost season 5 episode Boston to the [adult swim] TV series Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
22.12.21 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 9.1º - 21.7º
21.12.21 18:43 Is Red Zone switching between the two games tonight, nah I'm kidding I need to see that Chevy ad another dozen times
21.12.21 18:42 How big a lead does the Football Team have to build before FOX can switch me to the Rams game
21.12.21 18:39 "We haven't really experienced any buffering"
21.12.21 18:39 @tapemachines Ahahahaha you just got Crooooooooz'd
21.12.21 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 25.59 ▼0.19 (Range: 25.41 - 25.94)
21.12.21 12:38 They've posted this twice and made the same mistake twice. Panda Garden Buffet is FAR superior to Panda Express! @MayorDanRoe, back me up on this one RT @RamseyCounty: I got my COVID-19 vaccine because "I want to go to Panda Express."

Schedule your appointment today at
21.12.21 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 11.7º - 28.2º
20.12.21 21:26 
Don't you wish it were THIS?
20.12.21 21:25 
OK, seriously, listen to this...
20.12.21 21:09 Every time that North Memorial Health ad starts up I look up hoping Taco John's "Nachos Navidad" ad has returned and every time I am disappointed #MNF #localads
20.12.21 21:06 Tested negative again - spit in the tube at MSP at 10am and they emailed me my result at 7:55pm. They get faster every time! Tomorrow I'm fully boosted and also may not leave the house for anywhere but the radio station until 2022. WE SHALL SEE
20.12.21 20:07 @PerkatPlay Wait until you see it another hundred times!
20.12.21 16:15 Oh right there's weird time football on right now
20.12.21 16:02 
RT @FirstAvenue: ‼️ RT TO WIN ‼️

If you don't have NYE plans yet - here's your sign! RT for your chance to win tickets for you +3 friends for the NYE party at
20.12.21 15:00 NLOK closing quote: 25.78 ▲0.06 (Range: 25.26 - 25.89)
20.12.21 12:20 
Listened to Django Django - Glowing in the Dark
20.12.21 12:13 
Listened to John Grant - Faint Positive Lateral Flow
20.12.21 10:38 
Jamaica Blend
20.12.21 09:59 
Better safe than sorry I guess - Covid Test Site (Minneapolis, MN)
20.12.21 09:58 
 Wow back once again - Minneapolis–Saint Paul International Airport (MSP) (Minneapolis, MN)
20.12.21 00:00 Yesterday's lo/hi: 8.1º - 30.0º
19.12.21 22:45 @jakevass Still, a definite upgrade over Paul Allen
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